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Effective Executive Magazine:
Become Your Own Guru

You are about to embark on an hour that can transform your life.

Of course, you've heard that before. That's what motivational speakers and various gurus always tell you. What I'll tell you is that any hour can be an hour that transforms your life. It's simply up to you to choose that hour to make the transformation.

Let me suggest that it might as well be this one. If you're going to make changes, you've got to make them sometime. Why not start now? If for no other reason than you've already paid for the book, opened it, and bent back the spine, why not protect your investment and find a way to make the thing really work for you?

Really work. Really is the operative term here. Really meaning in reality. Reality is - for lack of a better word - real. We can't ignore it and expect to function successfully within it. There are too many real-world walls to bump into, real-world doors we need to be able to open.


Effective Executive Magazine, Motivational Speakers, Positive Thinking, Business Experts, American Philosopher, Multinational Publishing Company, Corporate Culture, Job Description, Financial Obligations, Bankruptcy, Musical Comedies, American People, American Business.